Sustainable Transport

Sustainable transport is a top priority for more and more companies in the passenger transport industry. At Cabman, we are happy to help you on your way. From a smart portal that gives you insight into your fleet’s emissions to always having insight into the current battery status of your vehicles using the MDT. Our solutions make making your organisation more sustainable a lot easier.

Driving style analysis

An important tool that can be used to offer your organisation insight into more sustainable transport is our Driving Style Analysis. The Driving Style Analysis is part of the Smart Vehicle product range and makes drivers aware of how they can drive both more safely and sustainably. The analysis gives you information on things like braking behaviour, cornering speed and fuel consumption.

Vehicle data analysis

Did you know that your vehicles generate a huge amount of data that you can use to further improve sustainability? You can extract this data from the vehicle via Cabman Vehicle Data and the BCT or MDT. Think, for example, of information about the state of charge in electric vehicles. All data on these signals can then be viewed in Cabman Data.

All data at a glance

All the data we can extract from the vehicle is fed back to Cabman Data. Through this online web portal, you can view and analyse all the information. It is also possible to feed the signals back into Cabman Data Studio. This is a complementary module to Cabman Data in which raw data is converted into clear visuals. This gives you clarity about certain signals at a glance.

Sustainability policy

Did you know that we are also actively working on making our organisation more sustainable at Cabman? That is why, for example, we have had a sustainability policy since last year. This policy describes what we are doing to do our bit to contribute to a better, greener and cleaner world.

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