Getting a discount on your insurance premium by transferring data. That’s something Cabman is currently researching. Together with our partners Crossyn and HelloMobility, we have recently run several pilots regarding transferring data from the Cabman BCT to insurance companies.
In order to better map out what the options are with regard to data transfer and insurance, we sought out partners at Cabman who have been working on this for some time. One such partner is Crossyn. This company specializes in collecting and analyzing vehicle data.
Data-driven coaching
In addition to Crossyn, we also partnered with HelloMobility. They have been engaged in data-driven coaching for several years. Through this coaching they help companies to reduce damages and costs.
By combining this knowledge and adding our own Cabman BCT, we hope to offer a solution in the future that can make it easier to insure your vehicles affordably. We have only just started with these pilots, but hope this will mean a lot for you as a customer in the future!