Now view electric vehicle battery status via Cabman Data

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Now view electric vehicle battery status via Cabman Data

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Did you know that you can now view a vehicle’s battery status via Cabman Data? The percentages can be viewed live via our comprehensive online portal. This gives you even more insight into the availability of your electric vehicles.

Previously in combination with a CAN-interface it was possible to link the battery status of electric vehicles to a number of agenda packages via our Cabman on board computer. We have extended this by ensuring that this can also be linked back directly to Cabman data and easily viewed via the portal.

Necessary challenges

Electric driving is here to stay and passenger transport companies are switching to electric vehicles. However, the switch to electric vehicles brings with it a number of challenges. In a previous article on our website, Wouter Hulskotte, Manager KAM and Fleet at Connexxion Taxi Services, talked in detail about the transition to electric and how the data from the Cabman board computer helps. Read the article here.

Want more information?

Would you like more information about this new addition to Cabman Data? Then contact your usual account manager or email’ll be happy to tell you more!