
Home Disclaimer
  1. In this disclaimer, the following terms are used with the following meaning:
    ◦ the owner: Euphoria (Cabman);
    ◦ use: all possible actions;
    ◦you: the user (visitor) of the website;
    ◦ the content: all content of the website in;
  2. Subjoined applies to the page you are visiting at present. By using the page, you agree with this disclaimer.
  3. The owner has created the content with the utmost care. However, the owner does not accept liability with regard to possible inaccuracies of the displayed content.
  4. The owner is not responsible for content in the files and/or websites that this website refers or links to.
  5. Unauthorized or improper use of the content or parts of it violate intellectual property rights.
  6. You have to obtain a written authorization to use the displayed content or parts of the content at places that are accessible to the public.
  7. The prices stated on the website are only for reference, you cannot derive any rights from these. The price as indicated in the quotation Euphoria sends is the actual cost price and has to be paid to obtain the product.